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                I would like to suggest to the system of SMA Lab School UNTAD Palu that at least they might want to rearrange their schedules for Math subject. Since based on my research and also based on my experience, it would be better if they will have their math class on the morning at least they are still fresh and they are not mentally drained. Because I think also that if they are to have their math class on the afternoon most specially on the last period of the day, there are a lot of destruction already like, some of the students wanted to go home early, maybe some of them wanted already to go out so that they could hang out with their friends, or maybe some of them are just being tired and already drained out of the whole day discussions, tests and activities that they have encountered. So at least in the morning they could still perform at their best. 



                 I would like also to suggest to the school that maybe they can add a clinic to one of their building since in my stay there i could not find the clinic at least for in case of emergency cases they could have a place and person to deal those situations 



                And also though I think this is not part of my field since it is all about English language but I guess they also must spend or give more time to enhance their English speaking since now a days English not anymore a foreign language. It will give you a lot opportunity and will open you another door to innovations and a big chances of employment to other countries.  

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